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Aritcle by

Kevin Cleary

Kevin Cleary has been a Health Products For You contributor for many years and has a degree in marketing. His health and wellness journey has a very personal meaning and has guided him in his content writing for HPFY.

In 2006, he sustained an injury while jumping on a trampoline with his son, severely injuring his neck and has been living as a quadriplegic since. His injury forced him to learn facets of the medical product field that he would otherwise not have known.

After several years of therapy, he has used many medical devices such as wheelchairs, standing frames, neuromuscular stimulators, as well as other rehab/therapy items that have helped him live life to the fullest. This hands-on insight has helped him with research and content creation. Kevin enjoys sampling cuisines from different countries, listening to music, watching sports and enjoying a glass of single malt scotch!

In a candid conversation with Linda Guerrera, HPFY's Digital Content Manager, Kevin opens up about his life-altering experience and its profound impact on him. Join us as we delve into his remarkable journey, where resilience, determination, and the power of the human spirit shine through. Click here to watch Kevin's Series, Paralyzed But Not Defeated.

Muscle Pain

School’s Around the Corner, Backpack Safety

Kevin Cleary Aug 13, 2016

As August draws to a close, every child dreads the return to school at the end of the month or in September. Many children carry their textbooks and technology aids (such as laptops, tablets, or even smart phones) in their backpack. After a while, that backpack gets heavy and can cause shoulder and back discomfort in our children.

Allergy Relief

Autumn Allergies and School

Kevin Cleary Aug 16, 2016

Summer is coming to a close and days are getting shorter which means allergies and school are returning. As we take our children to the mall to buy new clothing for the school year we should also be sure our children are ready to combat their allergies at school. Learning new math, science, or history can be made more difficult if your child is suffering from fall allergies.

First Aid

Wound Care for the Home and Road

Kevin Cleary Aug 20, 2016

Basic first aid is important to properly heal any wound and having the proper supplies, readily at hand, is crucial. Making sure your first-aid kit at home or on the road is properly stocked cannot be overstated since the ability to control the conditions any wound is exposed to is critical to minimizing any infection and expediting healing.

Grab Bars and Safety Rails

Avoiding Falls: Especially in the Bathroom

Kevin Cleary Aug 31, 2016

Falls are one of the leading causes of injury to our older population. A fall can happen anywhere; on the stairs, outside on unlevel terrain, and especially our bathroom. Our bathrooms are loaded with slippery surfaces just waiting to reach out and grab us.

Low Vision Aids

Daily Living Aids for the Elderly

Kevin Cleary Sep 09, 2016

It’s incredibly easy when you’re younger to take for granted the minutia of everyday life. As we get older, many of the things that came easy now become more difficult. Everything from walking to just going to the bathroom can become a major task as we age. Even ego and vanity can lead to our older relatives or friends possibly creating a dangerous environment for everyday life.

Post Mastectomy

Cancer Awareness…Every Month!!

Kevin Cleary Nov 19, 2016

The key to defeating breast cancer or any other cancer is early detection.


Drinking and Eating Made Easier

Kevin Cleary Nov 19, 2016

There are very few things in this world that we must do, but eating and drinking is one of them.

Relaxation and Leisure

Gifts for the Senses

Kevin Cleary Nov 19, 2016

The sight of a glorious sunrise/sunset or the smell of a fragrant flower enhances our enjoyment of the world around us.

Massage Therapy

Give the Gift of Massage

Kevin Cleary Nov 19, 2016

The first thing that comes to mind too many people when they hear the term massage is a relaxing day at the spa, but that is only the tip of the iceberg. Many people have been visiting massage therapists to receive the relief from a plethora of physical maladies that can improve with a good deep tissue massage. The benefits of massage have been studied for years.

Go Pink

Go Pink…October Is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Kevin Cleary Nov 20, 2016

Removing skin cancers from the equation, breast cancer is the most common cancer in women (regardless of race) and it is through awareness that we can help more women (and men) beat this disease.


Sports and the Handicapped

Kevin Cleary Nov 23, 2016

Many people feel that competitive sports is off-limits to those with handicaps and that is just plain wrong. A multitude of handicaps can be overcome to allow everyone and anyone to participate in their favorite sport and succeed.


Benefits of Wheelchairs

Kevin Cleary Dec 03, 2016

Longer distances can present a greater challenge to those with limited mobility and due to an injury/illness, or just aging in general, fatigue can be a major problem. Wheelchairs (both manual and powered) and even scooters can make these greater distances much easier to tackle.